What is beauty? Is it blonde hair, a big chest, a tiny waist? Is it curves, or brown hair? Is it being able to see a girl's ribs? Clearly stated... Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But isn't beauty within what it's really about?
I got into a conversation with my roommate last night about society.
Society makes girls and women believe that have to look, dress, and act a certain way.
One big issue society has made girls face is eating disorders. Most girls today believe they have to be a size 0 and weigh no more than 100 pounds, but let's face it. Bones protruding out of your body in a sickly way are NOT beautiful.
I think she's beautiful and she even has curves.
There are girls that are naturally skinny that feel the same way a heavier girls do. They eat and eat but can never gain weight.
But girls that are a healthy weight but believe they need to be skinnier? No. Society is failing us.
And the saddest part? We can't fix society until we help ourselves fix how we think.